


跟我學漢語 第1冊



第一單元 學校、同學和老師
1. 你好
2. 再見
3. 我是王家明
4. 謝謝
5. 她們是學生嗎
6. 他們是我的朋友

第二單元 朋友和夥伴
7. 他是誰
8. 誰是你的好朋友
9. 你有幾張中文光碟
10. 這是誰的錢包
11. 祝你生日快樂
12 今天我很高興

第三單元 我和我的家
13. 你多大
14. 這是我的狗
15. 你從哪里來
16. 我住在柏樹街
17. 你家有幾口人
18. 我爸爸是醫生

第四單元 一年四季
19. 現在幾點
20. 你每天幾點起床
21. 昨天、今天、明天
22. 星期六你幹什麼
23. 今天天氣怎麼樣
24. 冬天冷,夏天熱

第五單元 衣食住行
25. 我要二十個餃子
26. 你們家買不買年貨
27. 一共多少錢
28. 你喜歡什麼顏色
29. 穿這件還是穿那件
30. 他什麼樣子

第六單元 體育和健康
31. 你哪兒不舒服
32. 醫生,我牙疼
33. 你會游泳嗎
34. 去游泳池怎麼走
35. 你去哪兒度暑假
36. 運動場上有很多人

DVD-ROM (Mandarin)

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跟我學漢語 第2冊



第一單元 傑克和他的同學們
1. 我來介紹一下
2. 他們騎自行車上學
3. 我想選音樂課
4. 我能用一下你的橡皮嗎
5. 我們的校園

第二單元 業餘愛好
6. 哪個隊贏了
7. 給你一張電影票
8. 你的愛好是什麼
9. 比賽就要開始了
10. 我的新朋友

第三單元 溫馨的家
11. 你在幹什麼
12. 祝你節日快樂
13. 我想當律師
14. 我們應該慶祝一下
15. 一次野餐

第四單元 飲食與健康
16. 早飯你吃了什麼
17. 我喜歡喝茶
18. 我吃飽了
19. 我的手摔傷了
20. 叔叔請客

第五單元 多彩的服裝
21. 我穿什麼好
22. 這種鞋跟那種鞋一樣
23. 請給我們拿兩件大號的T恤衫
24. 他衣服上畫的是龍
25. 古代的旗袍是什麼樣子

第六單元 愛護我們的環境
26. 這裏不能放自行車
27. 我們要把教室打掃乾淨
28. 公共場所禁止吸煙
29. 我幫鄰居們遛狗
30. 暑假就要開始了

DVD-ROM (Mandarin)

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跟我學漢語 第3冊



第一單元 美雲一家
1. 她從香港來
2. 我家的廚房
3. 弟弟的寵物
4. 這個城市跟香港很不一樣

第二單元 娛樂休閒
5. 我也想到中國去
6. 我喜歡京劇的臉譜
7. 昨晚我只睡了4個小時
8. 我的網友

第三單元. 兩代人
9. 我很煩
10. 男孩兒和女孩兒
11. 我該怎麼辦
12. 望子成龍

第四單元 多元文化
13. 婚禮的“顏色”
14. 不同的節日,同樣的祝賀
15. 你更喜歡吃哪一種菜
16. 什麼禮物最吉利

第五單元 飲食與健康
17. 我把菜譜帶來了
18. 一次體檢
19. 媽媽減肥
20. 胖子和瘦子

第六單元 交通地理
21. 這裏的環境太糟糕了
22. 喂,您不能在這裏停車
23. 機票多少錢一張
24. 誰破壞了我們的家

DVD-ROM (Mandarin)

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跟我學漢語 第4冊



第一單元 北京之行
1. 北京歡迎你
2. 看高樓還是鑽胡同
3. 我認識的北京人

第二單元 傳統文化
4. 一場特別的京劇演出
5. 我和針灸
6. 少林功夫

第三單元 社會交往
7. 生日晚會
8. 同桌
9. 青年志願者

第四單元 娛樂休閒
10. 我的愛好
11. 網上聊天
12. 站在別人的角度想一想

第五單元 地球——我們惟一的家
13. 火兒
14. 海豚死了
15. 大熊貓

第六單元 升學與求職
16. 一份簡歷
17. 上大學
18. 理想的職業

DVD-ROM (Mandarin)

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易捷漢語 - 實用會話 上冊

本教材適合於學過3-6個月漢語、有語音基礎、掌握一定量辭彙的漢語學習者。突出語言學習的實用性,幫助學習者快速提高實際生活中的漢語會話能力。 情景會話選取外國人在中國最常見的實用生活場景,幫助外國朋友熟悉中國的社會環境。 不僅可作為漢語教材,還可用作在中國生活、學習、工作、旅行時的應急漢語指南。

Easy Chinese - Speak OutⅠ

This product is fit for students with a Chinese learning experience of 3~6 months. They have learned the basics of Chinese pronunciation and acquired a certain number of Chinese words.

It gives priority to the practicability of language learning, thus rapidly enhancing students’ Chinese speaking skills in real life.

The situational conversations are based on the most common real-life situations to help foreigners get familiarized with China’s social environment.

It not only serves as a Chinese textbook, but also as an emergency Chinese speaking guidebook for foreigners, who live, study, work or travel in China.

The accompanying DVD and MP3 help improve the effectiveness of learning. The former provides explanations by the anchorpersons as well as conversations in real-life situations; the latter provides standard Chinese at slow and regular speeds.

DVD (Mandarin, With MP3, Publication) / 2011

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易捷漢語 - 實用會話 下冊

本教材適合於學過3~6個月漢語、有語音基礎、掌握一定量辭彙的漢語學習者。突出語言學習的實用性,幫助學習者快速提高實際生活中的漢語會話能力。 情景會話選取外國人在中國最常見的實用生活場景,幫助外國朋友熟悉中國的社會環境。 不僅可作為漢語教材,還可用作在中國生活、學習、工作、旅行時的應急漢語指南。

Easy Chinese - Speak Out Ⅱ

This product is fit for students with a Chinese learning experience of 3~6 months. They have learned the basics of Chinese pronunciation and acquired a certain number of Chinese words.

It gives priority to the practicability of language learning, thus rapidly enhancing students’ Chinese speaking skills in real life.

The situational conversations are based on the most common real-life situations to help foreigners get familiarized with China’s social environment.

It not only serves as a Chinese textbook, but also as an emergency Chinese speaking guidebook for foreigners, who live, study, work or travel in China.

The accompanying DVD and MP3 help improve the effectiveness of learning. The former provides explanations by the anchorpersons as well as conversations in real-life situations; the latter provides standard Chinese at slow and regular speeds.

DVD (Mandarin, With MP3, Publication) / 2011

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漢語課堂視聽 (中級)




Chinese Language Video for the Classroom (Intermediate Level)

Abundant in materials, this is an audio-visual product for Chinese language instruction, which can not only provide Chinese language teachers with video resources, but also serve as a self-teaching material for learners.

The subjects and language materials cover virtually all the communicative functions, situations and topics that appear in commonly used Chinese textbooks at the present time.

The difficulty of vocabulary, grammar items and linguistic functions was decided on the basis of learners’ actual levels of language proficiency.

The situational dialogues were performed by professional actors and actresses and were shot on the spot in order to ensure the authenticity of the language, context and culture.

3 DVDs (Mandarin) / 2010

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The Maze of Chinese Characters

At present, a new trilingual DVD version is being distributed on a global scale, which is a large-scale instruction film presenting the knowledge about Chinese characters. It will tremendously benefit people who have a passion for Chinese culture and Chinese characters. The versions of French, German and other languages would be launched in the near future. "The Maze of Chinese Characters" adopts an artistic approach to present Chinese characters. In accordance with the morphological features of each Chinese character, it incorporates them into a lovely witty story, giving us a charming rendering of the lives of working people through three leading roles: Grandpa, the ancestor of Chinese culture, and two children. Each group of characters is introduced in one story and each story is a separate chapter. With the aid of high-tech visual effects, the combination of virtual reality and two-dimensional, three-dimensional animation, it transforms the stiff and boring characters into vivid figures and interrelated scenarios. It achieves visualization, livelihood and funniness of Chinese learning, freeing us from the tedious and painful process of memorizing horizontal strokes, vertical strokes, falling strokes, turning strokes and simple dots in the traditional way. By mastering new characters, learners will feel refreshed physically and mentally while enriching knowledge in the meantime, which can be seemingly effortless but surprisingly fruitful. Each episode of pictographic characters lasts 6 minutes, presenting 4-6 Chinese characters. This section of the series introduces about 200 frequently used Chinese characters, in an attempt to enable the beginners not only to know the characters but also to master the Chinese phonetic alphabet and stroke order of each character. It could easily evolve the Chinese learners to enjoy the learning experience immensely of "recognizing the characters and understanding the texts".

3 DVDs (Chinese, English, and Spanish, With Chinese, English, Spanish Subtitles) / 2010

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易捷漢語 - 輕鬆入門 上冊




Easy Chinese - Understanding Chinese Ⅰ

This product is fit for any beginners who are interested in Chinese language. Every one of them will be able to enjoy the learning of Chinese whether or not they have previous Chinese learning experience.

It doesn’t contain complicated grammar rules or instruction of Chinese characters; instead, it presents phrases and short sentences used in real-life situations and enables students to learn the most useful expressions in Chinese within the shortest time.

It compares the differences and similarities between Chinese culture and foreign cultures and introduces contemporary Chinese culture, thus helping foreigners communicate with Chinese people appropriately and effectively.

DVD (Mandarin, With MP3, Publication) / 2010

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易捷漢語 - 輕鬆入門 下冊




Easy Chinese - Understanding Chinese Ⅱ

This product is fit for any beginners who are interested in Chinese language. Every one of them will be able to enjoy the learning of Chinese whether or not they have previous Chinese learning experience.

It doesn’t contain complicated grammar rules or instruction of Chinese characters; instead, it presents phrases and short sentences used in real-life situations and enables students to learn the most useful expressions in Chinese within the shortest time.

It compares the differences and similarities between Chinese culture and foreign cultures and introduces contemporary Chinese culture, thus helping foreigners communicate with Chinese people appropriately and effectively.

DVD (Mandarin, With MP3, Publication) / 2010

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漢語會話301句第三版 - 課文情景會話 (上冊)



Conversational Chinese 301 Vol.1 (3rd English & French edition)

DVD (Mandarin) / 2007

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漢語會話301句第三版 - 課文情景會話 (下冊)



Conversational Chinese 301 Vol.2 (3rd English & French edition)

DVD (Mandarin) / 2007

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漢語課堂視聽 (初級) - 1


Chinese Language Video for the Classroom(Beginning Level) I

A DVD series designed for Chinese language teachers to use as supplementary materials to enhance their classroom-based CFL instruction. The series offers short language videos at the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels. Topics and language content were selected based on a close examination of CFL textbooks currently used in the U.S. and Canada. Authentic and pedagogical materials cover many common linguistic and communicative functions used in everyday Chinese.

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified and Traditional Chinese Subtitles, Publication) / 2007

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漢語課堂視聽 (初級) - 2


Chinese Language Video for the Classroom(Beginning Level) II

A DVD series designed for Chinese language teachers to use as supplementary materials to enhance their classroom-based CFL instruction. The series offers short language videos at the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels. Topics and language content were selected based on a close examination of CFL textbooks currently used in the U.S. and Canada. Authentic and pedagogical materials cover many common linguistic and communicative functions used in everyday Chinese.

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified and Traditional Chinese Subtitles, Publication) / 2007

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漢語課堂視聽 (初級) - 3


Chinese Language Video for the Classroom(Beginning Level) III

A DVD series designed for Chinese language teachers to use as supplementary materials to enhance their classroom-based CFL instruction. The series offers short language videos at the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels. Topics and language content were selected based on a close examination of CFL textbooks currently used in the U.S. and Canada. Authentic and pedagogical materials cover many common linguistic and communicative functions used in everyday Chinese.

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified and Traditional Chinese Subtitles, Publication) / 2007

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中國全景 - 中級漢語

《中國全景 中級漢語》與《中國全景 初級漢語》相銜接,適合於學過1000個左右基本詞彙、掌握漢語基礎語法的學習者使用。學完可自如地用漢語跟中國人交流。



China Panorama - Intermediate Chinese

As the follow-up to China Panorama - Approaching Chinese, this course is designed for individuals with basic knowledge of grammar and a vocabulary of 1,000 words. Upon completion of the course one can easily communicate in Chinese.

The material is based on various aspects of foreigners' life in China, focusing on what is both practical and relevant by using actual locations and real performances by actors, to create a genuine, realistic environment for the student.

Four subtitle choices are available: Chinese, English, Korean and Pinyin. For each chapter the new language points are taken from the dialogs and explained in detail. Furthermore, the DVD includes vocabulary study options.

7 DVDs (Mandarin) / 2007

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中國全景 - 商貿漢語







China Panorama - Chinese for Business

Learning advanced Chinese and China business skills at the same time.

This 50-unit course is ideal for intermediate and advanced learners of Chinese.

Specially designed for foreigners doing business in China, the course teaches some practical expressions in international business and trade.

The course evolves around the growth of a foreign business in China and introduces the country’s business environment, business policy and business practices.

While painting a vivid picture of the life of average Chinese and making cross-culture comparisons, the course serves as a valuable reference book for international trade and transnational business operation.

You will be able to learn idiomatic spoken Chinese while enjoying an intriguing plot!

2 DVDs (Mandarin) / 2005

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中國全景 - 語音導入





China Panorama - Phonetic Introduction

Practicability is what features this Chinese phonetics introduction program.

With overseas learners of Chinese as the targeted users, a systematic teaching of pinyin is given respecting initials, finals, tones as well as its spelling.

A complete English explanation is applied to depict how and where the initials and finals of pinyin are enunciated physically. Moreover, such sounds are not only demonstrated by voice but also cartoon pictures.

Cartoons are again employed to display syllable and word combination procedures and facilitate similar sound comparisons and contracts, reinforced by the demonstration reading. Appropriate intervals are left for the learner to repeat and follow up.

Dialogs are en facto pragmatic situational scenes which encompass focuses of learning in each episode. Baldness of syllables and words detailing could be thereby rendered into useful conversations for students.

Pronunciation points are incorporated into interesting situational dialogues.

Difficult points in Chinese phonetics are evenly distributed throughout the program. A large number of read-along exercise are deigned for key points. In addition, Similar, commonly- -mistaken sounds are paired and drilled extensively to make Learning more efficient.

The practical orienrarion of the program is reflected in its stress on imitation. Explanations are kept to a minimum; the focus is on drilling difficult syllables and tones to help learners master natural and standard Chinese pronunciation.

DVD (Mandarin, With MP3) / 2005

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