



該專題庫全面整合了虛擬現實增強現實領域的國際網路學術資源,收錄全文文獻28055篇,內容涉及動態虛擬環境建模、虛擬技術之感知、分散式虛擬現實、傳感/三維交互、增強現實、VR/AR設備以及虛擬現實技術應用等相關方面的最新發展方向和研究成果,也包括一些會議類文獻和教學材料。主要收錄時間:2006-present;語種:英語;每年更新:2000+ 。

Virtual Reality Database has collected more than 280, 55 full-text documents, which involves the following aspects: Dynamic Virtual Environment Model, Perception, Distributed Virtual Reality, DVR, Sensing/3D Interaction, Augmented Reality, VR/AR Equipments, Applications, Conference Papers and Teaching Materials. The amounts of data updated per year are 2,000.

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該專題庫收錄全文文獻73.6萬餘篇,內容主要包括計算理論與演算法、電腦系統結構(分佈/並行與集群計算、高性能計算、作業系統)、電腦工程(計算科學和工程、硬體)、軟體工程、資料庫、密碼與安全、網路與互聯網、資訊檢索、計算語言學與中文資訊處理、電腦輔助設計、人工智慧、電腦仿真、編程與電腦語言、人機交互、計算生物與生物資訊學、資訊系統、綜合及其他相關學科等21個方面。主要收錄1996年至今;年更新量:20000+ 。

Overseas Computer Science & Technology Database (OCSTDE)
OCSTDE has collected more than 736,000 full-text documents since 1996, which mainly includes the following aspects: computing theories and algorithms, computer architecture (distribution/parallel and cluster computing, high performance computing, operating system), computer engineering (computing science and engineering, hardware), software engineering, database, cryptography and security, network and internet, information retrieval, computational linguistics and Chinese information processing, computer aided design, artificial intelligence, computer simulation, programming and computer language, human interaction, computational biology and bioinformatics, information system and others. The amounts of data updated per year are 20,000.

Online Database (1 Year)

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Overseas Computer Graphics and Image Database (OCGIDE)
OCGIDE has collected more than 109,000 full-text documents since 1995, which involves the latest development and research achievements of computer image processing recognition, pattern recognition, machine intelligence, computer graphics, video coding and decoding, graphic image and others as well as involves MIT open courseware and related conference papers. The amounts of data updated per year are 4,000.

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該專題庫收錄全文文獻8.6萬餘篇,共分12大類,內容涉及音頻(音頻編碼、音頻解碼、音頻處理、音頻轉換)、視頻(視頻編碼、視頻解碼、視頻處理、視頻轉換)、資料壓縮和編碼、超文本和超媒體、動漫畫、多媒體存儲、多媒體遊戲、流媒體、視頻會議、數位化電視、數位化視頻、網路電視和多媒體通信的最新發展方向和研究成果。主要收錄1997年至今;年更新量:3000+ 。

Overseas Multimedia Technology Database (OMMTDE)
OMMTDE has collected more than 86,000 full-text documents since 1997, classified into twelve categories. The contents in OMMTDE mainly involve research achievements and the latest development of audio (audio coding, audio decoding, audio processing, and audio conversion), video (video coding, video decoding, video processing, and video conversion), data compression and coding, hypertext and hypermedia, animation and cartoon, multimedia storage, streaming media, video conference, digital TV, digital video, network television, and multimedia communication. The amounts of data updated per year are 3,000.

Online Database (1 Year)

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Overseas Communication Engineering Database (OCEDE)
OCEDE has collected more than 389,000 full-text documents since 1990. It mainly gathers the latest development and research achievements of the following aspects: communication system, signal processing, electromagnetic engineering, microwave and iconology, microelectronics, and hot topics. The document types include academic paper, scientific report, conference report, conference record, technology report, government bill, white book, policies and regulations, and technical standard specification. The amounts of data updated per year are 8,000.

Online Database (1 Year)

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