
中國歷代典籍 (古代)


中國譜牒庫 (初集) (本地安裝版)


譜牒類典籍,包括家譜 (含宗譜、族譜、世譜、家譜、家乘等)、年譜 (含年譜、年表、紀年、 行實、自述等)、仕譜(含科舉錄、題名錄、同年錄、搢紳錄、百官錄等)、日譜 (含日記、日錄、日譜、日劄等),所記或為一姓一家之浮沉榮辱,或為一府一衙 之仕宦遷黜,或為一人一生之成敗進退,或為一日一時之行事心得,無不折射出國家民族之盛衰與社會歷史之變遷,而其真確翔實更有過於他書,極具研究價值。



中國譜牒庫初集 (收錄歷代家譜、年譜、搢紳錄、日記共2000種)。

本地安裝版 (局域網,使用用戶端,提供HD盤+ USB2.0加密狗)

基本費 CNY 600,000.00
使用費 CNY 20,000.00/1用戶

Database of Chinese Genealogy is a specialized large-scale database of ancient books. It collects 10,000 kinds of writings of pedigree and certificate of successive dynasties from the Song-Yuan Dynasties to the early years of the Republic of China including: family genealogy (ancestor pedigree, clan pedigree, generation pedigree, family pedigree and family tree, etc.); chronological (chronological biology, chronological table, event annals, self-confession etc.); day table (day chart, diary, day register etc.). Each work is available as searchable full-text, digitized from a reliable version, and as images from the original scan. The characteristic retrieve system and the functional platform fitted up are going to open up vastvistas for centralized research and full use of genealogy.

Database (Install Version) / / () /

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中國譜牒庫 (初集) (遠程服務版)


譜牒類典籍,包括家譜 (含宗譜、族譜、世譜、家譜、家乘等)、年譜 (含年譜、年表、紀年、 行實、自述等)、仕譜(含科舉錄、題名錄、同年錄、搢紳錄、百官錄等)、日譜 (含日記、日錄、日譜、日劄等),所記或為一姓一家之浮沉榮辱,或為一府一衙 之仕宦遷黜,或為一人一生之成敗進退,或為一日一時之行事心得,無不折射出國家民族之盛衰與社會歷史之變遷,而其真確翔實更有過於他書,極具研究價值。



中國譜牒庫初集 (收錄歷代家譜、年譜、搢紳錄、日記共2000種)。

遠程服務版 (局域網,使用用戶端或瀏覽器,遠程登入)

基本費 CNY 80,000.00
使用費 CNY 80,000.00/1用戶
服務費 USD 320.00/年

Database of Chinese Genealogy is a specialized large-scale database of ancient books. It collects 10,000 kinds of writings of pedigree and certificate of successive dynasties from the Song-Yuan Dynasties to the early years of the Republic of China including: family genealogy (ancestor pedigree, clan pedigree, generation pedigree, family pedigree and family tree, etc.); chronological (chronological biology, chronological table, event annals, self-confession etc.); day table (day chart, diary, day register etc.). Each work is available as searchable full-text, digitized from a reliable version, and as images from the original scan. The characteristic retrieve system and the functional platform fitted up are going to open up vastvistas for centralized research and full use of genealogy.

Database (Remote Version) / / () /

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中國譜牒庫 (初集) (在線使用版)


譜牒類典籍,包括家譜 (含宗譜、族譜、世譜、家譜、家乘等)、年譜 (含年譜、年表、紀年、 行實、自述等)、仕譜(含科舉錄、題名錄、同年錄、搢紳錄、百官錄等)、日譜 (含日記、日錄、日譜、日劄等),所記或為一姓一家之浮沉榮辱,或為一府一衙 之仕宦遷黜,或為一人一生之成敗進退,或為一日一時之行事心得,無不折射出國家民族之盛衰與社會歷史之變遷,而其真確翔實更有過於他書,極具研究價值。



中國譜牒庫初集 (收錄歷代家譜、年譜、搢紳錄、日記共2000種)。

在線使用版 (互聯網,使用瀏覽器,網上開通)

使用費 CNY 80,000.00/1年

Database of Chinese Genealogy is a specialized large-scale database of ancient books. It collects 10,000 kinds of writings of pedigree and certificate of successive dynasties from the Song-Yuan Dynasties to the early years of the Republic of China including: family genealogy (ancestor pedigree, clan pedigree, generation pedigree, family pedigree and family tree, etc.); chronological (chronological biology, chronological table, event annals, self-confession etc.); day table (day chart, diary, day register etc.). Each work is available as searchable full-text, digitized from a reliable version, and as images from the original scan. The characteristic retrieve system and the functional platform fitted up are going to open up vastvistas for centralized research and full use of genealogy.

Database (Online Version) / / () /

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