




每年更新:3000+ 。

普通預防醫學 Preventive Medicine
流行病學 Epidemiology
衛生毒理學與消毒學 Hygiene Toxicology and Disinfection
衛生檢驗學 Sanitary Inspection
衛生統計學與衛生經濟學 Hygiene(/Health) Economics
環境衛生學 Environmental Hygiene
營養與食品衛生學 Nutrition and Food Hygiene
勞動衛生與職業病學 Occupational Disease Studying
放射衛生學 Radiation Hygiene
少兒衛生學 Children's Hygiene
婦幼衛生學 Women and Children's Health
社會醫學 Social Medicine
公共衛生事業管理 Public Health Management
精神衛生 Mental Health
突發事件分析與預防 Accident Analysis and Prevention
熱帶醫學與衛生學 Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
健康教育學 Health Education
軍事預防醫學及其它 Military Preventive Medicine and Others

Preventive Medicine Database
The database has collected more than 466,990 full-text documents since 1996, classified into 13 categories. It involves the following aspects: general preventive medicine, epidemiology, hygiene toxicology and science of disinfection, sanitary inspection, health statistics and health economics, environmental hygiene, nutrition and food hygiene, labor hygiene and occupational pathology, children hygiene, women hygiene, social medicine, public health management (health supervision, health emergency, disease control, chronic disease prevention, public health policy, health standard system, and public health education), mental health, analysis and prevention of emergencies (harm prevention and control, and poising control), tropical medicine and hygiene, health education, and military preventive medicine. The amounts of data updated per year are 3,000.

Online Database (1 Year)

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每年更新:8000+ 。

人體生理學 Physiology, Cell Physiology, Neurophysiology, Applied Physiology
人體解剖學 Human Anatomy
放射學/介入放射學 Radiology, Interventional Radiology
人體免疫學 Human Body Immunology
分子生物學 Molecular and Cellular Biology
醫學微生物學 Medical Microbiology
病理學/病理生理學 Pathology, Clinical Pathology, Pathological Physiology
醫學心理學 Medical Psychology
醫學遺傳學 Medical Genetics
實驗醫學 Experimental Medicine
生物醫藥工程與醫學資訊學 Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics
基礎醫學其他學科 Others
生殖醫學與組織胚胎學 Reproductive Medicine and Embryology

Preclinical Medicine Database
The database has collected more than 1,937,103 full-text documents since 1995, classified into twelve categories. The database involves the latest development and research achievements of the following aspects: human physiology, radioactive medicine, immunology, molecular biology, medical microbiology, pathology, psychology, clinic and medicopsychology, medical genetics, experimental medicine, biomedical engineering, medical informatics, medical electronics, other disciplines of the preclinical medicine, reproductive medicine and embryology, etc. The amounts of data updated per year are 8,000.

Online Database (1 Year)

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該專題庫全面整合了臨床醫學的國際網路學術資源,收錄全文文獻3962407篇;內容涉及內科學、外科學、婦產科學、兒科學、五官科學、皮膚病學、神經病學、精神病學、腫瘤學、護理學、麻醉學、診斷學、老年病學、傳染病學與感染性疾病、影像醫學與核醫學、急診學 、理療與康復醫學等18大子類。

每年更新:8000+ 。

內科學 Internal Medicine
外科學 Surgery
婦產科學 Gynecology
兒科學 Paediatrics
五官科學 The Five Sense Organs
皮膚病學 Dermatology
神經病學 Neurology
精神病學 Psychiatry
腫瘤學 Oncology
護理學 Nursing
麻醉學 Anaesthesiology
診斷學 Diagnostics
老年病學 Geriatrics
傳染病學與感染性疾病 Infectious disease
影像醫學與核醫學 Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine
急診學 Emergency Medicine
理療與康復醫學 Rehabilitation Medicine & Physical Therapy
其他 Others

Clinical Medicine Database
The database has collected more than 3,962,407 full-text documents since 1996, classified into 18 categories. The database involves the following disciplines: internal medicine, Surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, otorhinolaryngology (otolaryngology, ophthalmology, and stomatology), dermology, neurology, pathergasiology, oncology, nursing, anesthesiology, diagnostics, geriatrics, lemology and infectious diseases, medicinal picture and nuclear medicine, emergency medicine, physical and rehabilitation medicine, and others. The amounts of data updated per year are 8,000.

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每年更新:1000+ 。

預防獸醫學 Preventive Veterinary Medicine/Veterinary Preventive Medicine
臨床獸醫學 Clinical Veterinary Medicine/Veterinary Clinical Medicine
基礎獸醫學 Preclinical Veterinary/Basic Veterinary
獸醫公共衛生學 Veterinary Public Health
人獸共患病 Zoonosis
動物營養學 Animal Nutrition
獸醫與獸醫教育 Veterinarian and Veterinary Education
其他 Others

Veterinary Medicine Database
The database has collected more than 152,444 full-text documents since 1990. It has fully integrated the network academic resources of veterinary medicine abroad. It contains the following aspects: preventive veterinary medicine (livestock epidemiology, veterinary parasitology microbiology and immunology, veterinary parasitology, and experimental zoology), clinical veterinary medicine (veterinary clinical diagnostics, veterinary surgery and radioactive medicine, veterinary internal medicine, and veterinary obstetrics), foundation of veterinary medicine (animal anatomy and histoembryology, veterinary physiology, veterinary pharmacology and toxicology, and veterinary pathology), veterinary sanitary science (animal care and welfare, and animal food safety), zoonosis, animal nutrition, veterinarians and veterinary education, and others. The amounts of data updated per year are 1,000.

Online Database (1 Year)

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每年更新:4000+ 。

普通藥理學 General Pharmacology
藥物毒理學 Medicine toxicity
臨床藥理學 Clinical Pharmacology
生化藥理學 Biochemistry Pharmacology
免疫藥理學 Immunopharmacology
神經藥理學 Neuropsychopharmacology
化學治療學 Chemotherapy
遺傳藥理學 Pharmacogenetics
心血管藥理學 Cardiovascular Pharmacology
分子藥理學 Molecular Pharmacology
藥效動力學 Drug Efficacy Dynamics
藥代動力學 Pharmacokinetic
藥劑學 Pharmaceutics
藥物化學 Medicine chemistry
臨床藥學運用與藥物評價 Clinical Pharmacy & Drugs Estimates
製藥科技 Pharmaceutical Science & Technology
藥事管理 Drug Management
傳統藥學 Traditional Medicines
其他 Others

Pharmacology Database
The database has collected more than 754,114 full-text documents since 1996, classified into 19 categories. It involves the following aspects: general pharmacology, drug toxicology, clinical pharmacology, biochemical pharmacology, immunopharmacology, neuropharmacology, chemotherapeutics, pharmacogenetics, cardiovascular pharmacology, molecular pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, pharmaceutics (theory of pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical research, biopharmaceutics, synthetic drugs, invitro simulation test, biochemical drug, and pharmaceutical technology), medicinal chemistry ( theory of medicinal chemistry, chemistry of medicines, microbial medicine, and pharmaceutical design), application of clinical pharmacy and drug evaluation (clinical pharmacy, pharmacodynamics, blood concentration monitoring, drug interactions, adverse drug reaction, drug poisoning, drug evaluation, pharmacoeconomics, drug abuse, and rational drug use), pharmaceutical technology, pharmacy administration, and traditional pharmacy. The database organizes the resources with topics in pharmacy as the core, and with theories and business application development. The amounts of data updated per year are 4,000.

Online Database (1 Year)

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