





全庫資源,歷時20餘年,愈10萬人參與,部分內容由現任或退居二線的中央領導任主編,吸收 各方面專家、學者和實際工作者參與編寫工作。

全庫收錄資料注重真實、豐富、系統,並認真加以考證、校勘,融資料性、學術性、權威性、可 讀性於一體,體現了編撰與研究並舉的特點。



1. 專業性。

2. 權威性。



3. 稀缺性。




《當代中國》系列叢書 第一部全面記錄中華人民共和國國史的大型工具書,由研究國史的專門機構,即當代中國研究所承擔編纂,該叢書編撰工作歷時16年,達10萬人參與,各卷由現任或退居二線的中央領導任主編,吸收各方面專家、學者和實際工作者參與編寫工作。叢書收集和運用了大量豐富、真實、系統的資料,分24大類,如政治社會、群眾團體、對外交往、經濟、交通通信、科技、國防與軍事等。該叢書分152卷210冊,總計1億餘字,插圖3萬幅,收集和運用了大量豐富、真實、系統的資料。叢書全套分23大類,如政治社會, 群眾團體、對外交往、經濟、交通通信、科技、國防與軍事等,是中國最權威、最全面、第一部全面記錄中華人民共和國國史的大型圖書。


The National History Database of P.R.C.

The National History Database of the People's Republic of China consists of 300 volumes containing over 100,000 illustrations. The database carries authoritative materials on the economic, social, cultural and political developments since the founding of P.R.C.. The database is very useful for university library, public library, eastern Asian study institutions and other academic unities around the world.

The writing and editing of the whole series lasted for over 20 years. More than 100,000 people have joined the editing program. The main editing group is consisted by experts, scholars and professionals. Part of the content is written by high officials incumbent or retired from the central government of China. There are four categories in the database which are Periods, Industries,Sectors, and Regions. Installed efficient search engine and full-text search technology the database shall be a great help for researchers. The advanced technology we used also guarantees the reading experience as if you are reading a real paper book.

Original Resources

Contemporary China Books
Contemporary China Books is a comprehensive large-scale collection of national historical material form the People's Republic of China. It is edited by the main state historical research institute, the Institute of Contemporary China Studies. The collection has been ongoing fro 16 years and has involved 100,000 contributors. The series is edited by current or retired Chinese central government leaders, with contributions from experts and scholars. The database is a collection of original materials from the history of the nation, divided into 24 categories.

National History Chronology of the People's Republic of China
This is another large-scale collection of national historical materials, and was published in annual volumes from 1949 to 1963. Its aim was to provide citizens with full and accurate records of official history. The state Central Archives collected and recorded a large number of unpublished files and private works, and including those published in Taiwan and overseas.

It contains valuable documents written by Chinese central government leaders and scholars, including government reports, personal letters, telegrams, speeches, laws and decrees, editorials in the official People's Daily, etc. It chronicles the main political events, and is relevant to all aspects of the modern Chinese state such as the first Political Consultative Conference, the Great Leap Forward Movement, Great Chinese Famine, Sino-Soviet Controversy and the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, etc.


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