







  • 已收錄近5,000種連環畫作品,總量逐年更新,題材涵蓋歷史演義、神話故事、革命歷程、現當代文學和外國精品等;

  • 特別收錄近年出版的數百種精品青少年圖書和繪本,包括《漫畫中國歷史》、《幼兒經典啟蒙閱讀叢書》等,全部資源均入選教育部最新教學大綱、新課標推薦圖書和中小學圖書館(室)推薦書目;

  • 精心製作品種多樣的多媒體連環畫MPR,由中央人民廣播電台資深播音老師和業內專家配音、配樂,現有多媒體資源總量超過500個品種,總時長1500小時;

  • 呈現中文簡體、中文繁體、中文拼音對照、中英文對照、維吾爾語和哈薩克語等多語種的數字資源;

  • 提供首個連環畫百科數字資料庫,內容包括:連環畫發展歷史、創作常識、收藏鑒賞和連環畫其文獻史料,及近200位著名連環畫藝術家的生平事蹟、代表作品和藝術成就。

  • 產品特點





    Digital Library of Chinese Picture Story

    The Chinese Picture-story Book Digital Library contains material produced during the last sixty years and is the result of ten years of effort in editing and reproducing more than 300,000 high quality pictures. The collection gathers a large number of classic illustrated stories, picture-book collections, leading journals and precious out-of-print photocopies published since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. All of the works have been selected, compiled, and systematically proof-read by professional compiling teams, so as to guarantee high-definition and a satisfying reading experience while retaining the original quality of classic arts.


  • The Chinese Picture-Story Books Digital Library is a unique collection of thousand of far-reaching stories and legends. These stories inherit Chinese cultural connotation including morality, literature, religion, courtesy, and education, and also present ten thousands of classical figures who were the key roles of China's historical evolution. The library covers the time from the beginning when Pan Gu separated heaven and the earth till now.

  • It includes different topics like revolutionary war, modern literature, and vividly describes the modern China's social changes and cultural development.

  • The scripts of Chinese picture-story books refer to different patterns to be complied such as novel, traditional opera and poetry, etc. The paintings employ line sketch, pencil sketch, and watercolor as artistic techniques in order to unfold the beauty of traditional Chinese culture.

  • It provides multilingual versions in simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Chinese Pinyin, Arabic, etc., and also offers audio books in Chinese and Arabic. The total number is more than 500 varieties with total length of nearly 1500 hours.

  • It is the first comic encyclopedia digital database and contains the comic history, creative inspiration, collection and appreciation, and other historical data relevant to comic. Over two-hundred famous comic artists' life stories, masterpieces, and artistic achievements are also collected here.

  • Features

    Authorized edition: the only professional comic pres in authorized edition at home and abroad with a distinct and whole copyright.

    Knowledge structure: the structure is clear and supports multi-dimensional, multi-label indexing according to categories, languages, authors, and stories series.

    Reading Experience: high-definition and enjoyable audio-visual experience attached with text and graphics, and excellent tone qualities.

    Cloud Reading: support synchronous reading on mobile terminals, and cross-platform content services fro smart phones and tablet PC.


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