注意︰產品的價錢仍是供應商所在地區建議之零售價,並不包括郵費、貨運費及手續費。顧客在供應商以外之地區,價錢及貨幣會有所改變 !



China Industry Trade Database, with data originating from China Customs, demonstrates the trade of different industries in different parts of China. This database provides the statistics of import and exports between China's 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and 200 more countries worldwide by national industrial classification. Data are about quarterly import, export, first quantity of import and export and amount of import and export. This database with time series aims to manifest China's trade in depth and comprehensively, so that it may be used to help researchers and policy-makers to analyze and grasp the present situation and trend of industry development in a quick, convenient and accurate manner.
Online Database (1 Year)
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