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逐浪太平洋 - 中國海軍環太軍演實錄


Riding the Pacific - The PLA Navy RIMPAC 2016 Exercise Log

Our crew follows the Chinese Navy Fleet Taskforce 153 for 69 days and nights to record the whole procedures for its participation in the world’s largest international maritime warfare exercise. More than 1,200 Chinese military personnel hold firm willpower, demonstrate a high level of cohesion and strong teamwork. When met US Navy, what kind of chemistry has been sparked? How would our commanders respond to sudden occurrence? How did the Chinese force perform in the multi-country battleships of live ammunition shooting?

In addition, the program closely records the ship life of the officers and soldiers, uncover their inner world. The new force member works hard to adapt the seasickness, the senior member expresses how he treasures the navy experience, and the female member talks about her relationship status. In all, the new generation of naval force shows their attitude and loyalty as military personnel.
DVD (Mandarin, With English Subtitles)
75 minutes
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