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每年更新:10000+ 。

Education Database
The database has collected more than 1,242,252 full-text documents since 1990. It is classified into the following 16 topics according to the foreign classification methods: principles of education, curriculums and principles of instruction, educational technology, preschool education, primary and secondary school education, higher education, adult education (moral and religious education, education on sociology, education on history, and multicultural education), vocational education (education of science and technology, medical education, acts education, and engineering education), special education (disable children education and supernormal children education), study abroad, teacher’s education, educational psychology, educational organization, educational policy, quality and assessment of education, comparative education and international education. The document types include the excellent academic papers, reviews of academic conferences and records of achievements, e-books, courseware, bills, policies and special topics which are published by the overseas official organizations and research institutions. The database involves every field of foreign education research and advanced educational experience and approaches in different countries. The amounts of data updated per year are 10,000.
Online Database (1 Year)
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