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過關上學 - 深港跨境學童紀實


Shuttling the Border - School Kids between Hong Kong and Shenzhen

According to Hong Kong Government, a total number of 28,100 students travel from Shenzhen to Hong Kong schools every Monday to Friday between 2015 and 2016, and figure is five times higher than it was ten years ago. Numerous students involve in the time-consuming journey, a large proportion of them comes from “doubly non-permanent resident” family.

With the changing times, parents start to pay increasing attention on children’s educational and growing environment. The combining philosophy of Hong Kong education, the diversified educational environment and the relatively fair educational system attract a large number of parents. However, they overcome several obstacles such as cultural difference, fierce competition and intense stress.

This program provides a comprehensive view of cross-boundary student families, schools, related government departments and organizations, reveals their challenges and efforts.
DVD (Mandarin, With English Subtitles)
75 minutes
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