注意︰產品的價錢仍是供應商所在地區建議之零售價,並不包括郵費、貨運費及手續費。顧客在供應商以外之地區,價錢及貨幣會有所改變 !
世界教育數據庫,數據來源於聯合國教科文組織,是用於反映世界各國教育事業發展基本現狀的主題數據庫。此數據庫提供了世界各國教育體制、不同教育階段的相關 統計指標。主要指標涵蓋:教育體制、人口與經濟、學生數,教職工數和在學率、國小入學率、兒童輟學率、預期受教育年限、國小學校的留級率和重讀生機構百分 比、普通中等教育重讀生機構百分比、教職工指標、初等教育的實施、高等教育、教育經費指標、全球教育等。數據起始於1999年,年度更新。

World education database reflects the basic status of development of the world education, its statistical data starts in 1999, and data is updated in units of the year. The statistical data include the scope of education system, schooling years of different stages of education, population and economy, the number of students, faculty numbers, the enrollment rate, expenditure on education, etc. Main indicators involves the number of school-age population, the number of students in school, the percentage of repeaters, the rate of children drop out of school, etc.
Online Database (1 Year)
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