


明清实录 (本地安装版)


实录作为中国历代官修的编年体史料长编,由於保存大量的原始资料,而具有无可替代 的学术价值。最早见於南朝梁周兴嗣所撰《梁皇帝实录》,自唐以後,每一帝崩,继嗣者必?史臣撰修其实录,沿为定制。至清末光绪朝,历代所修实录已达116 部。惜乎绝大多数均已亡佚,完整保存至今者仅明清二代实录。

明清实录所收《明实录》,包括明代官修的太祖至熹宗的十三朝实录,以及後人补辑的崇祯朝实录,凡14种2,923卷;所收《清实录》,包括清代官修的满洲 实录和太祖至德宗的十一朝实录,以及後世补纂的宣统政纪,凡13种4,433卷。二者合计共27种、7,356卷。使明清两代五百余年史 事如探囊取物,极便使用。


本地安装版 (局域网,使用用户端,提供HD盘+ USB2.0加密狗)
基本费 CNY 80, 000.00
使用费 CNY 10,000.00/1用户

Ming-Qing Minutes Keeping gathered official minutes keeping of eleven regins of the Ming Dynasty; Emperor Chongzhen Minutes Keeping replenished by later generation; Manzhou Minutes Keeping, and the thirteen reigns' minutes keeping compiled by the government of the Qing Dynasty as well as Emperor Xuantong Affairs Records compiled by later generation. Total has about 7000 volumes of 27 kinds. Each work is available as searchable full-text, digitized from a reliable version, and as images from the original scan. This product includes the retrieval system and the functional platform.

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明清实录 (远程服务版)


实录作为中国历代官修的编年体史料长编,由於保存大量的原始资料,而具有无可替代 的学术价值。最早见於南朝梁周兴嗣所撰《梁皇帝实录》,自唐以後,每一帝崩,继嗣者必?史臣撰修其实录,沿为定制。至清末光绪朝,历代所修实录已达116 部。惜乎绝大多数均已亡佚,完整保存至今者仅明清二代实录。

明清实录所收《明实录》,包括明代官修的太祖至熹宗的十三朝实录,以及後人补辑的崇祯朝实录,凡14种2,923卷;所收《清实录》,包括清代官修的满洲 实录和太祖至德宗的十一朝实录,以及後世补纂的宣统政纪,凡13种4,433卷。二者合计共27种、7,356卷。使明清两代五百余年史 事如探囊取物,极便使用。


远程服务版 (互联网,使用浏览器,远程登入)
基本费 CNY 18,000.00
使用费 CNY 18,000.00/1用户
服务费 USD 320.00/年

Ming-Qing Minutes Keeping gathered official minutes keeping of eleven regins of the Ming Dynasty; Emperor Chongzhen Minutes Keeping replenished by later generation; Manzhou Minutes Keeping, and the thirteen reigns' minutes keeping compiled by the government of the Qing Dynasty as well as Emperor Xuantong Affairs Records compiled by later generation. Total has about 7000 volumes of 27 kinds. Each work is available as searchable full-text, digitized from a reliable version, and as images from the original scan. This product includes the retrieval system and the functional platform.

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明清实录 (在线使用版)


实录作为中国历代官修的编年体史料长编,由於保存大量的原始资料,而具有无可替代 的学术价值。最早见於南朝梁周兴嗣所撰《梁皇帝实录》,自唐以後,每一帝崩,继嗣者必?史臣撰修其实录,沿为定制。至清末光绪朝,历代所修实录已达116 部。惜乎绝大多数均已亡佚,完整保存至今者仅明清二代实录。

明清实录所收《明实录》,包括明代官修的太祖至熹宗的十三朝实录,以及後人补辑的崇祯朝实录,凡14种2,923卷;所收《清实录》,包括清代官修的满洲 实录和太祖至德宗的十一朝实录,以及後世补纂的宣统政纪,凡13种4,433卷。二者合计共27种、7,356卷。使明清两代五百余年史 事如探囊取物,极便使用。


在线使用版 (互联网,使用浏览器,网上开通)

使用费 CNY 13,000.00/1年

Ming-Qing Minutes Keeping gathered official minutes keeping of eleven regins of the Ming Dynasty; Emperor Chongzhen Minutes Keeping replenished by later generation; Manzhou Minutes Keeping, and the thirteen reigns' minutes keeping compiled by the government of the Qing Dynasty as well as Emperor Xuantong Affairs Records compiled by later generation. Total has about 7000 volumes of 27 kinds. Each work is available as searchable full-text, digitized from a reliable version, and as images from the original scan. This product includes the retrieval system and the functional platform.

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