


足部全息理療 - 足部全息健康反射療法

足部全息理療是一種簡單易行、效果顯著、無副作用的“綠色療法”。 本節目詳細講解了足部九大反射區的分佈、常見疾病在足部的診斷和手法操作等內容,適合調理各類疾病,也可適用於其他療法的輔助治療或家庭日常保健。
Foot Holographic Therapy Series - Foot Holographic Reflex Therapy for Healthcare
Foot Holographic Physical Therapy is a simple, noticeably effective, and side-effect-free "green treatment". This program expounds distribution of five reflective zones of the foot, common diagnosis of the feet and hand operation for common illness, etc, applicable for various illness as well as other supplementary treatments or family daily care.

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified Chinese, English Subtitles) / 2008 / () /

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足部全息理療 - 足部推拿調理便秘

足部全息理療是一種簡單易行、效果顯著、無副作用的“綠色療法”。 本節目詳細講解了足部推拿調理便秘的主要手法和選取的反射區,長期堅持能增強消化系統、內分泌系統、泌尿系統和排泄系統的功能,消除便秘引起的胃腸神經功能紊亂、煩躁不安及女性面部色斑、暗瘡、色素沉著等症狀。
Foot Holographic Therapy Series - Treating Constipation by Foot Massage
Foot Holographic Therapy is a simple, noticeably effective, and side-effect-free "green treatment". This program expounds on main skills of treating constipation by foot massage, the chosen reflex zones. A long-term persistence can strengthen the digestive system, inner secretion system, inner urinary system and excretory system to eradicate the constipation-caused distortion of nerve function from stomach and intestines, disturbance, facial spot, chromatosis of female.

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified Chinese, English Subtitles) / 2008 / () /

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足部全息理療 - 足部推拿調理婦科常見病

足部全息理療是一種簡單易行、效果顯著、無副作用的“綠色療法”。 本節目詳細講解了月經不調、痛經等婦科常見疾病的病因病機、足部選取的反射區、推拿手法操作和日常注意事項等內容,通俗易懂,便於學習和掌握。
Foot Holographic Therapy Series - Treating Common Gynecological Diseases by Foot Massage
Foot Holographic Physical Therapy is a simple, noticeably effective, and side-effect-free "green treatment".
This program expounds the cause of common illness such as disorder of menses, dysmenorrhea, reflex zone of foot, hand operation of massage and daily caution etc. It is readable, easy for learning.

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified Chinese, English Subtitles) / 2008 / () /

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足部全息理療 - 足部推拿調理感冒

足部全息理療是一種簡單易行、效果顯著、無副作用的“綠色療法”。 本節目詳細講解了幾種類型感冒的足部推拿手法、注意事項和疾病預防等內容,通俗易懂,具有操作簡單、經濟實用等特點。
Foot Holographic Therapy Series - Treating Cold by Foot Massage
Foot Holographic Physical Therapy is a simple, noticeably effective, and side-effect-free "green treatment".
The program expounds several kinds of anti-cold foot massage, cautions and illness prevention etc, with features of easy understanding, simple practice and economic function etc.

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified Chinese, English Subtitles) / 2008 / () /

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足部全息理療 - 足部推拿調理慢性闌尾炎、痔瘡

足部全息理療是一種簡單易行、效果顯著、無副作用的“綠色療法”。 本節目詳細講解了兩種疾病的足部推拿調理手法、選取的反射區和日常保健等內容。手法簡單,通俗易懂,便於學習和操作。
Foot Holographic Therapy Series - Treating Chronic Appendicitis and Hemorrhoids by Foot Massage
Foot Holographic Therapy is simple, noticeably effective, and side-effect-free "green treatment"
This program explains treatment of foot massage of these two illnesses, the chosen reflex zones, daily healthcare etc. It is easy to understand and learn and operate.

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified Chinese, English Subtitles) / 2008 / () /

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足部全息理療 - 足部推拿調理慢性消化系統疾病

足部全息理療是一種簡單易行、效果顯著、無副作用的“綠色療法”。 本節目詳細講解了足部調理慢性消化系統疾病的主要手法、選取的反射區和注意事項等內容。長期堅持,能達到緩解或消除各種症狀的目的。
Foot Holographic Therapy Series - Treating Chronic Diseases of Digestive System by Foot Massage
Foot Holographic Therapy is a simple, noticeably effective, and side-effect-free "green treatment".
This program expounds the main skills of treating chronic diseases of digestive system by foot massage, the chosen reflex zones, caution etc. A persistent treatment can lessen or eradicate all kinds of symptoms

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified Chinese, English Subtitles) / 2008 / () /

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足部全息理療 - 足部推拿調理泌尿系統結石

足部全息理療是一種簡單易行、效果顯著、無副作用的“綠色療法”。 中醫認為,泌尿系統結石多因下焦濕熱所致,即“下焦濕熱,蘊結成石”。本節目詳細講解了足部推拿調理泌尿系統結石的具體手法和選取的反射區,通過對反射區進行一定的刺激,達到清熱利濕,通淋排石的目的。
Foot Holographic Therapy Series - Treating Concretion in Urinary System by Foot Massage
Foot Holographic Physical Therapy is a simple, noticeably effective, and side-effect-free "green treatment".
In Chinese medical field, the concretion of urinary system is caused by the bitterness, eagerness and hardness in urination. This program expounds the specific treatment of concretion in urinary system by foot massage, chosen reflex zones, through whose stimulus to make concretion run smoothly.

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified Chinese, English Subtitles) / 2008 / () /

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足部全息理療 - 足部推拿調理前列腺炎、子宮肌瘤

足部全息理療是一種簡單易行、效果顯著、無副作用的“綠色療法”。 本節目詳細講解了足部推拿調理前列腺炎和子宮肌瘤的手法操作和選取的反射區,通過足部推拿能夠增強生殖、泌尿系統功能,提高腺體免疫力等作用。
Foot Holographic Therapy Series-Treating Prostatitis and Uterine Myoma by Foot Massage
Foot Holographic Therapy is simple, noticeably effective, and side-effect-free "green treatment".
This program expounds hand operation of Treating Prostatitis and Uterine Myoma by Foot Massage and chosen reflex zone. It can strengthen reproduction, urinary system and enhance gland immunity etc.

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified Chinese, English Subtitles) / 2008 / () /

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足部全息理療 - 足部推拿調理乳腺炎、乳腺增生

足部全息理療是一種簡單易行、效果顯著、無副作用的“綠色療法”。 乳腺炎、乳腺增生是女性多發病,嚴重危害女性的健康,足部推拿是調理此類疾病的一種行之有效的方法,通過對足部反射區的刺激,能夠平衡體內激素、促進毒素排泄、提高機體免疫力。
Foot Holographic Therapy Series- Treating Mastitis and Cyclomastopathy by Foot Massage
Foot Holographic Therapy is a simple, noticeably effective, and side-effect-free "green treatment".
Mastitis and Cyclomastopathy are frequent and health-ruining illness for women. Foot massage is an effective way of treating them, by stimulating the reflex zone of the foot, balancing the inside hormone, improve toxin excrement, and improve organic immunity.

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified Chinese, English Subtitles) / 2008 / () /

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足部全息理療 - 足部推拿調理失眠多夢

足部全息理療是一種簡單易行、效果顯著、無副作用的“綠色療法”。 本節目詳細講解了失眠多夢的病因、疾病診斷、在足部選取的反射區和具體推拿手法等內容。具有療效快速、實用性強的特點,可作為家庭日常保健或自我推拿調理。
Foot Holographic Therapy Series-Treating Insomnia and Dreaminess by Foot Massage
Foot Holographic Physical Therapy is a simple, noticeably effective, and side-effect-free "green treatment".
This program expounds the cause and diagnosis of insomnia, the reflex zones chosen from the foot, the detailed massage etc. It is effective and practical, good for family daily massage and self-massage treatment.

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified Chinese, English Subtitles) / 2008 / () /

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足部全息理療 - 足部推拿調理糖尿病

足部全息理療是一種簡單易行、效果顯著、無副作用的“綠色療法”。 足部推拿是調理糖尿病的有效方法,本節目詳細講解了糖尿病的不同症狀及併發症的手法操作、注意事項、飲食調理、日常預防等內容,通俗易懂,便於學習和運用。
Foot Holographic Therapy Series - Treating Diabetes by Foot Massage
Foot Holographic Physical Therapy is a simple, noticeably effective, and side-effect-free "green treatment".
Foot Holographic Therapy is an effective way of treating diabetes. This program explains in details about different symptoms of diabetes and complication hand operation, caution, diet treatment, daily prevention etc, it is easy to understand and learn and operate.

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified Chinese, English Subtitles) / 2008 / () /

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足部全息理療 - 足部推拿調理胸、腰椎疾病

足部全息理療是一種簡單易行、效果顯著、無副作用的“綠色療法”。 胸腰椎疾病是臨床的高發病,足部推拿是調理本病的方法之一,通過對足部相應反射區的刺激操作,能起到緩解肌肉痙攣、改善椎體病變、提高臟腑功能等作用。手法簡單易學、行之有效,適用于各類人群,也可用于家庭自我保健。
Foot Holographic Therapy Series - Treating Diseases of Thoracic and Lumbar Vertebra by Foot massage
Foot Holographic Physical Therapy is a simple, noticeably effective, and side-effect-free "green treatment".
The thoracic and lumbar vertebra is a frequent clinic illness; foot massage is one way for healing it. Through stimulus of reflex zones in accordant to the foot, it can lessen muscle cramp, reduce pathological changes of the lumbar and improve the liver function etc. It is easy to learn and effective, applicable for all kinds of people and family self-care.

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified Chinese, English Subtitles) / 2008 / () /

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足部全息理療 - 足部推拿偏癱後遺症

足部全息理療是一種簡單易行、效果顯著、無副作用的“綠色療法”。 本節目詳細講解了足部推拿調理偏癱後遺症的主要手法和選取的反射區。手法操作簡單,便於掌握,能達到緩解和消除症狀的作用。
Foot Holographic Therapy Series - Treating Sequela of Hemiplegy by Foot Massage
Foot Holographic Physical Therapy is a simple, noticeably effective, and side-effect-free "green treatment".
This program expounds main treatments of treating sequela of Hemiplegy by foot massage and chosen reflex zones. The hand operation is a simple, easy to learn, to lessen and eradicate the symptoms.

DVD (Mandarin, With Simplified Chinese, English Subtitles) / 2008 / () /

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