鹅湖学志 (1988-2010)
近20年来「新儒学」蔚为中国文化思想界的显学,其中居全球领导地位的,首推「鹅湖杂志社」(Legein Society)。其核心刊物「鹅湖学志」收录当代新儒学大师牟宗三、唐君毅等完整作品,屡获「教育部」、「国科会」之「优良学术期刊奖」。该社以重振中国传统文化为职志,吸纳西方思想之精华,用现代方式重新诠释传统儒学,会通中西,析论古今。「鹅湖人文书院」更首开台湾民间讲学读经修德之风,中国自五四运动「反孔学反传统」以来,儒学被中共视为落後挨打的病根,在大陆严重没落,其後又历经十年文革浩劫,导致儒学在中国学脉全断,幸有熊十力、唐君毅、牟宗三、徐复观等当代「新儒家」主流继续在港台发展,以「鹅湖」为讲学出书据点,30年来已隐然形成一股庞大的影响力,堪称「全球新儒学研究重镇」。


Legein Semi-Annual Journal (Contemporary Neo-Confucianism Database, 鹅湖学志)

"Legein Semi-Annual Journal" is sponsored and hosted by "Legein Society" - the routine lecture location of Mou Zhong-San (牟宗三), Tang Jun-Yi (唐君毅), etc.. It is regarded as "the key world-wide Neo-Confucianism research center" by global Sinologists. Studying and connecting Confucius' and Kant's thoughts, the journal includes many superior articles of Chinese culture, Chinese philosophy and Western thought, which are most frequently cited of their kinds by scholars, and usually win the prizes of "Ministry of Education" and "Excellent Scholarly Journal" bestowed by "National Science Council ".
Database (LAN Windows Version)
CNY 15730.00