




Born In The USA

Many Chinese parents go across the border to United States in order to give birth to a child. It is estimated that the number of Chinese nationals’ children born on American soil has reached forty to fifty thousand per year. Superior medical environment, advanced medical technology, and US identity are reasons that attract a large number of people. This program records the in-depth visit of expectant mothers, agents, confinement centers, doctors and hospitals in Los Angeles, giving a comprehensive view of the key factors in the industrial chain. From departing to returning home with the new-born baby, what choices would these mothers face? How would they live their life in the US before delivery? Would American society accept their new citizens? The program provides the answer.

DVD (Mandarin) / 2017 / 75 minutes

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Overseas Investment of Chinese Enterprises under B&R Strategy

“The Belt and Road”, is a development strategy proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in the year of 2013 that focuses on connectivity and cooperation between Eurasian countries, primarily the People's Republic of China, the land-based "Silk Road Economic Belt" and the oceangoing "Maritime Silk Road".

The program contains five episodes, which tells about the overseas investment stories of Chinese enterprises under “The Belt and Road” development strategy, presents specific cases of China's overseas investment model. Cases include the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor as well as twists and turns of Chinese enterprises in Russia, etc.

DVD (Mandarin) / 2017 / 150 minutes

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Bike-sharing schemes attract a large number of users by easy operation and low cost, over ten million people start cycling in the city. The schemes provide an effective solution of the “last mile” problem, helping a final leg of a person’s journey. And their launch brings a revival to bicycle market, which has declined in the past 30 years.

It has been over a hundred years since the first bicycle entered China, its status in society has undergone great ups and downs. This program uses the functional change of bicycle as the clue to tell the times story, revealing the China’s socio economic and cultural changes during these years. It also shows the vitality and problems behind the rise of bike-sharing schemes.

DVD (Mandarin) / 2017 / 75 minutes

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When You Getting Old

It’s the natural rule that all things will disappear one day. Have you ever wondered how would you live your life when getting old and how would you like to be treated? This program tells the story of many elderly. We may be able to immerse ourselves to the future, and reflect on current pension condition.

Natural Rule
In the last period of life, some people will encounter disability and dementia. Memory loss, degradation of language function, and difficulty in feeding are common symptoms. 83-year old Mr. Jiang has stayed in five different pension organizations and became physically incapable of taking care himself during past 3 years. 79-year-old Li Baoqiong is physically disabled as well, her husband decided to send her to the pension center. In this episode, we step into community, record the daily life of the elderly, their families and the nurses working in the pension center.

Care for Vulnerable Groups
In most rural areas of China, supporting centers running by government provide shelter for the elderly who are alone. In urban cities, more and more private organizations start to take long-term care for the disabled elderly. The crew visits the pension institutions in Luanping County, Hebei Province, and Tiantongyuan Community in Beijing, revealing the exploration of social care for vulnerable groups. Shortage in nurses and intensive workload are obstacles in the way forward.

Cherish the Fading Twilight
China is entering the golden age of pension industry with open market, high-speed development and great potential. Many foreign enterprises have entered China to serve the rigid demand of the large population and thus share capital dividends. From the research of market needs to the future planning, this episode contains interviews of practitioners from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China, providing a comprehensive interpretation of the current status of pension industry.

DVD (Mandarin, With English Subtitles) / 2016 / 90 minutes

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毒战2016 - 中国禁毒实录




Drug War 2016 - Drug Control in China

The latest Chinese anti-drug report shows that the number of domestic drug users continued to grow in recent years, as of 2015, the number has reached 234 million, nearly doubled compare to 6 years ago. At the same time, the proliferation of drugs has penetrated to younger generation, they use drug to establish recognition with peers. It has become the third leading cause of death in many countries following cardiovascular disease and cancer, causing extremely serious social problem.

It takes six months to produce this documentary. Our crew illustrates the largest drug trafficking case in 2015 and reports the whole process of the arresting task exclusively. Also, we step into the forced and voluntary drug rehabilitation centers in Beijing to reveal the struggle and confession of drug addicts. What’s more, the crew visits the point of origin of the world’s drug, Golden Triangle, follows professional cruise to expose the evolution of this area after “Mekong tragedy” took place in 2011.

Fighting against drug is the common goal of all mankind, what should we do to win this invisible and lasting battle?

DVD (Mandarin, With English Subtitles) / 2016 / 75 minutes

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过关上学 - 深港跨境学童纪实



Shuttling the Border - School Kids between Hong Kong and Shenzhen

According to Hong Kong Government, a total number of 28,100 students travel from Shenzhen to Hong Kong schools every Monday to Friday between 2015 and 2016, and figure is five times higher than it was ten years ago. Numerous students involve in the time-consuming journey, a large proportion of them comes from “doubly non-permanent resident” family.

With the changing times, parents start to pay increasing attention on children’s educational and growing environment. The combining philosophy of Hong Kong education, the diversified educational environment and the relatively fair educational system attract a large number of parents. However, they overcome several obstacles such as cultural difference, fierce competition and intense stress.

This program provides a comprehensive view of cross-boundary student families, schools, related government departments and organizations, reveals their challenges and efforts.

DVD (Mandarin, With English Subtitles) / 2016 / 75 minutes

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Aging Society Phenomenon in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong

China is accelerating into the aging society. It is estimated that China will become the world's most serious aging countries in 2050, the elderly population will account for roughly 34% of the total population. With the increasing demand for elderly care services, we step into organizations and interview professionals to explore the current pension situation in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. How to establish a reasonable system? What is the trend of development? How to implement community-based caring services? And how can we utilize social resources to achieve a breakthrough?

Nowadays, the traditional concept of raising children to provide against old age has been changing. Does the evolution of China's pension system successfully fulfill the expectations of elderly people?

DVD (Mandarin, With English Subtitles) / 2016 / 75 minutes

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我在吴哥修文物 - 中国援柬吴哥保护二十年


Restoring Ancient Monuments at Angkor - China’s Effort in Past 20 Years

In 1998, the Chinese heritage protection team entered Angkor, Cambodia to join in international cooperation of restoring ancient monuments. Through 20-year hard working, China is now recognized as the rotating chairman of the upcoming project. This is the first time that China steps out the country to provide assistance on cultural development. What has the team been through during past 20 years? How did they overcome the challenge? And how did they balance the restoration concept of different experts? Nowadays, the destroyed Angkor has been gradually recovered, and two generations of Chinese people have contributed to the grand project. They will continue their journey, keep working on the sustainable development of Angkor and other world heritages.

DVD (Mandarin) / 2016 / 75 minutes

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杏林在望 - 台湾全民健保纪事



Healthcare in Taiwan

National health insurance was implemented in 1995 in Taiwan, currently, 99% of Taiwan’s total population has participated in this system. It completely solves the disparity of medical resources sharing, leads the equal rights of receiving medical treatment. In addition, the interaction mode of patients and doctors has changed through the years in a result. In all, the implementation is a revolution to Taiwan healthcare industry.

This program takes you into the evolution and current operation of this healthcare system by illustrating the development and regulation from different aspects, such as medical education, resource allocation and hospital accreditation. Also, it reveals various problems and challenges derived from exiting mechanism.

DVD (Mandarin) / 2016 / 75 minutes

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逐浪太平洋 - 中国海军环太军演实录



Riding the Pacific - The PLA Navy RIMPAC 2016 Exercise Log

Our crew follows the Chinese Navy Fleet Taskforce 153 for 69 days and nights to record the whole procedures for its participation in the world’s largest international maritime warfare exercise. More than 1,200 Chinese military personnel hold firm willpower, demonstrate a high level of cohesion and strong teamwork. When met US Navy, what kind of chemistry has been sparked? How would our commanders respond to sudden occurrence? How did the Chinese force perform in the multi-country battleships of live ammunition shooting?

In addition, the program closely records the ship life of the officers and soldiers, uncover their inner world. The new force member works hard to adapt the seasickness, the senior member expresses how he treasures the navy experience, and the female member talks about her relationship status. In all, the new generation of naval force shows their attitude and loyalty as military personnel.

DVD (Mandarin, With English Subtitles) / 2016 / 75 minutes

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以我之名 - 同性恋群体实录

2015年6月26日,美国最高法院通过全美同性婚姻合法,同性恋平权的争取正式迈入新的里程碑。在中国,同性恋自2001年被从精神疾病名单中剔除後,同性恋者的社会地位逐渐改善。然而,这个特殊群体的生存处境依然荆棘满布。他们除了不易被家人朋友所接纳,也得承受社会的忽视甚至歧视。《以我之名 - 同性恋群体实录》系列带你走进中国同性恋者最真实的世界,透过横跨9座城市的取材和十余位公开出镜的同性恋者和家人访谈,如实展示这个群体的生活方式和喜怒哀乐。

第一集 为什麽是我 同性恋究竟是先天还是後天造成的仍存有争议,而大多同性恋者最初都有着同样的困惑 — ?什?就我不一样?本集中的岳建波怀疑童年一段经历导致自己变成同性恋;陶涛更在结婚生子後才发现性取向的转变。他们将说出由发现自己是同性恋,到从逃避与排斥中走出来的自我认同过程。

第二集 围绕着我

第三集 我与婚姻

第四集 拯救我

It's Me - Revealing the Homosexual Community

The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide on 26th June 2015, marking a new milestone for homosexuality rights. Whereas in China, the ways homosexuals are treated may have improved after the removal of homosexuality from the list of psychiatric disorders in 2001, their lives continue to be filled with numerous difficulties. By gathering stories from 9 different cities and interviewing over a dozen homosexuals as well as their family members, the programme thoroughly reveals the truest sides of the homosexual community in China.

Episode 1 Why Me
It has been a constant debate whether homosexuality is born or made, and most homosexuals tend to feel the same frustration at first – why am I different? Yue Jianbo regards a childhood experience as the cause of his homosexuality, while Tao Tao realized his interest in the same sex only after he was married and has children. In this episode, they share what they have been through from the fear and denial of discovery to self-recognition.

Episode 2 Surround Me
“Coming out of the closet” is a figure of speech describing homosexuals’ self-disclosure of their sexual orientation. In China, many homosexuals are still hesitated to come out. Li Peng chose to lie to his family because he is afraid of letting them down. Xiao Tao, on the other hand, told his mother the truth out of no choice and was relieved by her acceptance. Let Xiao Tao’s mother tell you how she coped with the news.

Episode 3 Marry Me
Many traditional families in China think marriage is essential and parental involvement is needed to expedite the process. Under such pressure, Zhang Xiaoyu and Yue Jianbo who compromised and married the opposite sex both have their marriages ended miserably. Lily used “marriage of convenience” to satisfy her parents’ request. On the contrary, Xiao Tao and his boyfriend, Xiao Xin have the blessings from their families to get married in the United States.

Episode 4 Save Me
How can the voices of the homosexuals be heard when ignorance and discrimination are all around? The ones featured in this episode have found their own ways to fight for their own rights. Liu Shi is an AIDS patient, but it did not stop him from flying all the way to Cleveland to join the Gay Games 2014. Yan Zi won the lawsuit against the clinic that performed “gay conversion therapy” on him, and the verdict marked another important step in proving homosexuality is not mental illness.

DVD (Mandarin) / 2015 / 120 minutes

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何日君再来 - 纪念邓丽君特别节目



The Immoral Teresa Teng

Teresa Teng pursued her singing career at an early age and soon became a teen idol. Her dulcet voice and mellow songs have been enchanting her fans the world over. Teresa Teng is one of the most well-known female singers in the Chinese music scene, she has won numerous prizes, and eventually became the best-selling singer in Asia.

Until today, Teresa is still a common topic and memory. In these years, she was presented again on stage through special technology and effects. This program tells her remarkable stories and achievements. Audiences can once again be soothed by the timeless charms of Teng’s songs and fond memories of her life and love.

DVD (Mandarin) / 2017 / 75 minutes

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领航者: 张亚勤 (百度公司总裁)



"Visionaries" invites the world’s top entrepreneurs, innovators and experts to talk about major issues such as economic development, investment opportunities and future trends from global vision and professional perspective. At the same time, the program shows these leading people's philosophy of work and life and reveals their decision-making process to inspire the younger generation. "Visionaries" presents the interview in a creative form. It goes beyond the traditional form of face to face talk with the interspersion of advanced frame.

Zhang Yaqin - Chief Executive of Baidu

DVD (Mandarin) / 2017 / 30 minutes

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